Young Americans Center for Financial Education and Park Burger are thrilled to introduce you to the 14-year-old winners of Burger Biz! This team created the Omnivore’s Colorful Challenge, a delicious and more nutritious alternative to the standard hamburger. In addition to winning $500, creators Gabe and Kellan will have their burger featured in Park Burger restaurants throughout the month of …
What’s your favorite burger? YouthBiz teamed up with Park Burger restaurants to present this challenge to middle and high school students. Â The result? Â A lot of learning, thought, and inspiration, and four of the best-tasting burgers judges have ever tasted! Burger Biz began when 22 students met industry experts over the course of a week. Â The group met for two …
This is the culminating event for Burger Biz–watch the final pitches and vote for your favorite burger! Middle and high school students have spent a week creating the perfect burger concept.  They’ve heard from industry experts, and they’ve sourced their ingredients.  Now it’s time to see who will take home the title of Burger Biz Champion plus a $500 prize! …