The goal of your teachers and everyone at Young AmeriTowne is to help you prepare for life as an adult. Â You’ll be doing this in a hands-on way as you work for a paycheck in a real shop, deposit money into a real bank account, shop for real products on your break, and become a citizen of a real Towne.
Here are some links to pages to help you learn more about Young AmeriTowne, and opportunities where you can experience even more programs like it through Young Americans Center for Financial Education.
We can’t wait to see you!
Day in Young AmeriTowne
Read more about what a day in Young AmeriTowne is like.
Ready to come back?
Young Americans Center’s Summer Camps are week-long day camps where you can experience Young AmeriTowne again and so much more.
Financial Literacy Resources
Young Americans Center for Financial Education wants to help you be more financially savvy. Â We have resources to help you on your journey.