Credit is important in today’s world. We use credit cards to pay for purchases, and we must have credit to be able to take out a loan from a bank or financial services institution. This month, Young Americans Bank helps you learn all about credit! What is Credit? Credit is the borrowing of funds with the intent of paying them …
You’ve probably noticed that most adults have a credit card. Â But you might be surprised to learn that many adults don’t use a credit card responsibly! Â Young Americans Bank wants to help you understand what credit is and how YOU can use a credit card responsibly. Â Then, we want to help you decide if you’re ready for a credit card! …
U.S. News & World Report, a nationally recognized publisher of consumer advice and information, recently completed a nationwide financial literacy survey in order to get a comprehensive understanding about consumers’ experiences with credit cards. The results of the study reveal that many consumers don’t understand the basics of credit card ownership, such as credit score, interest rate and the consequences …