YouthBiz Workshop: Top Your Cupcake

Young Americans Center for Financial Education and Young Americans Bank - Denver 3550 East First Avenue, Denver, CO, United States

Do you have or are you interested in a baked goods focused business? Join us at our cupcake workshop where you will learn how to decorate, package and label an appetizing cupcake as well as learn about how you make a common product unique! Cost for sign up is $10.  Gluten-free cupcake option available.  Ages 8 to 13.


YouthBiz Workshop: Soap’O Lotion

Young Americans Center for Financial Education and Young Americans Bank - Denver 3550 East First Avenue, Denver, CO, United States

Want to sell a product at Marketplace? Come learn how to make a lotion based moisturizing soap! Whether it’s winter, spring, summer or fall, learn how to market your product for any season. There is a $10 fee to cover the materials. Ages: 6-12
