Some of the most important people in Young AmeriTowne are the Accountants—students who manage the finances of each shop. Typically, there are 17 Accountants working each day.  Thanks to proud sponsor Eide Bailly, they get a taste of what being a real Accountant is like! The first accounting lesson for these students takes place at school. They learn how to …
Students who participate in Young AmeriTowne gain insight about future careers in a number of ways. Besides filling out a job application, interviewing, and holding a job, students can also explore possible careers in the Towne College. At Young AmeriTowne in Denver, this experience is made possible by long-time supporter University of Denver. With an emphasis on ethics, experiential education and …
Now that Young Americans Bank Belmar has opened in Lakewood, CO, we are seeking qualified young adults to come join the fun! Young Americans Bank is a place specifically designed for youth up to age 22 that provides hands-on education in finance while offering products and services customized for young customers. Plus, we also offer job opportunities to get teens …