What does Pay Yourself First Mean? Pay Yourself First means that any time you receive money, you should immediately set aside an amount to save. Once you deposit money into your savings account it is safer, and you’re less likely to spend it than if you keep it with you. When you save at a bank, your money earns interest–free …
Be your own boss, start your own business, create your own invention! You don’t have to be an adult to start your own business. Take a look at these kids who started their own businesses and entered our Spotlight on YouthBiz Stars competition in 2018: Liam Lennon, age 12, Owner of The Lucky Penny Emily Rudnick, age 15, Creator of …
Sometimes it’s hard for us to save money. Â There are things we want and need, and even though we keep our money in the bank, we sometimes find that our savings isn’t increasing as we’d like! Â This month, we bring you a helpful tip we call “70 20, 10.” Â Read on to learn how to save more money each month! …
Budget – that scary word that makes some of us feel like Scrooge – is actually a fabulous tool to help you have control of your money and your life! When you budget: You know how much money you have coming in, and how much money you have going out. With all that knowledge you are able to save better …
It’s pretty exciting when you get a bank statement in the mail. Â But, what should you do with it? Â We answer that question and provide some helpful tips about your register in this month’s blog! What is a register? A register is a place where you keep track of all your bank transactions. Â Every time to make a deposit or …
Giving is top of mind this time of year, as we look for ways to support our community. Â This month, we bring you ideas for how you can help! What makes a good charity? It is important for donors to be careful when selecting a charity to support. Some charities are outright scams. Others siphon most of the money they …
Just in time for the holidays, Young Americans Bank brings you our tips for how to be a savvy shopper! 1. Think before you buy  Do you really need this? Is this the one you want and will you still really, really want or need the item in a month? It’s your money – re-ally think about what you want …
You’ve probably noticed that most adults have a credit card. Â But you might be surprised to learn that many adults don’t use a credit card responsibly! Â Young Americans Bank wants to help you understand what credit is and how YOU can use a credit card responsibly. Â Then, we want to help you decide if you’re ready for a credit card! …
This month, Young Americans Bank wants to help you learn about giving back! Â There’s a big word, philanthropy, that means wanting to help other people. Â You can be a philanthropist, someone who helps other people, by donating your time, talent, or treasure! Â Below are some ideas to help you think about how YOU can make your community a better …
A question we hear a lot at Young Americans Bank is, “How much money should you save?” Â This month we bring you our thoughts, and tips for how to save more wisely! When you’re thinking about how much to save, it’s helpful to think of these percentages: 70 – Spend! Spend 70 percent of your money. 20 – Save! Save …