Sports. The activity and entertainment so many of us are ready to start attending, especially our young ones, is sports. Going to an Avs hockey game, cheering on the Colorado Rapids or Mammouth, donning a Nuggets jersey that matches their parents’–these are all moments that stay with a child for life. These moments, however, cost money and require planning. Here …
The holidays are quickly approaching, so today Young Americans Bank brings you our tips for savvy shopping! Whether you’re looking for the perfect gift or you’re looking to spend some money you’ve been gifted, these tips will help you save money. Think before you buy Do you really need this? Is this the one you want and will you still really, …
What kinds of things are coming up for which you will need money? Holiday gifts? School clothes? Vacation? College? You can probably think of quite a few. How are you going to get that money? You need a plan! Try using a spending plan to help you figure out how much money you have coming in and how much money …
Understanding how to budget is vital in order to be financially fit. Here at Young Americans Center, we believe that it is never too early to start teaching young people about the basics of budgeting. Although kids are not physically attending our classes right now, we have been diligently working to create fun and educational Virtual Programs available for students …
It’s important to start conversations about money with children early on in life. Teaching kids the basics — like needs vs. wants and budgeting — can be fun and is an invaluable step in laying a strong financial foundation for future decision making. My financial journey started when I was very young and is a trend I continued with my …
Money management skills can be developed at an early age, and Young Americans Bank is here to help! As a young adult, you can master money management by closely following these financial rules: MoneyMoney spent must never exceed the income available. Save a part of all the money you receive. Put your money to work earning interest. Avoid borrowing because …
Budget – that scary word that makes some of us feel like Scrooge – is actually a fabulous tool to help you have control of your money and your life! When you budget: You know how much money you have coming in, and how much money you have going out. With all that knowledge you are able to save better …
Already broke your New Year’s Resolution to save more in 2019? Don’t worry, Young Americans Bank can help with that! Come join us Saturday, February 02, 2019 through Friday, February 08, 2019 for another New Year event. We will be celebrating Lunar New Year with our zodiac friend, the pig. In the Lunar spirit, the bank will be passing out …
Just in time for the holidays, Young Americans Bank brings you our tips for how to be a savvy shopper! 1. Think before you buy Do you really need this? Is this the one you want and will you still really, really want or need the item in a month? It’s your money – re-ally think about what you want …