Young AmeriTowne bank teller counts money for a customer withdrawing money from her account.

Sponsor Spotlight: FirstBank’s Commitment to “Banking for Good”

Young Americans Center for Financial EducationGeneral, Get Involved, Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

FirstBank has been a community bank since their founding in Lakewood, Colorado in 1963. Today, they have over 100 locations throughout Colorado, Arizona and California, as well as one very special branch: the Towne Bank in our Lakewood Young AmeriTowne location. Beyond providing impactful products and services, FirstBank has maintained a strong focus on community service and charitable involvement since …

Participants with orange scarfs stand together with YACFE and First Bank executives. Supporting the community is part of FirstBank’s DNA.  FirstBank  has been recognized as a top corporate philanthropist and contributed more than $60 million and thousands of volunteer hours to charitable organizations ( ).  As a result, we’re proud to highlight the partnership between FirstBank and Young Americans Center for Financial Education that allows youth to learn about banking and finance in a fun, hands-on way.

At the center of the Young AmeriTowne economy in Lakewood is the bank, presented by FirstBank.  Towne businesses take out loans and make deposits.  Student citizens deposit their paychecks and receive cash to spend in Towne.  By learning about the process and importance of banking at a young age, youth are better prepared for the future.  Ten-year-old Maddox writes that in Young AmeriTowne, ““I learned how to handle paying the bank loan back and depositing money. I feel very confident that I can handle money.”

An additional way that FirstBank strengthens Young Americans Center is through its support of Colorado Gives Day .  This state-wide day of giving is an initiative of Community First Foundation to celebrate and increase philanthropy through online giving.  FirstBank partners with Community First Foundation to create a $1 Million Incentive Fund, one of the largest gives-day incentive funds in the country. Every nonprofit receiving a donation on Colorado Gives Day receives a portion of the fund, which increases the value of every dollar donated.

“Strengthening communities to create an even playing field for all is what FirstBank stands for, and it’s a core component of our mantra ‘banking for good,’ ” said Joe Amato-Baril, Senior Vice President of Marketing at FirstBank. “That’s why we’re so thrilled to provide hands-on lessons in financial education for youth attending Young AmeriTowne. We know education is the single most impactful way we can help tomorrow’s generation achieve financial independence, and we’re grateful to Young Americans Center for Financial Education for helping us make that possible.”

You can join FirstBank in supporting hands-on financial literacy programs for youth!  Young Americans Center is participating in Colorado Gives Day, hoping to raise $20,000 to provide scholarships for low-income students.

Sponsor Spotlight: How FirstBank Supports Youth Financial Literacy

Janet RedwineDonate, Get Involved, Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Supporting the community is part of FirstBank’s DNA.  FirstBank has been recognized as a top corporate philanthropist and contributed more than $60 million and thousands of volunteer hours to charitable organizations (  As a result, we’re proud to highlight the partnership between FirstBank and Young Americans Center for Financial Education that allows youth to learn about banking and finance in …