YouthBiz StartUp Judging Evaluation Sheet: YouthBiz StartUp provides middle and high school students with the basic building blocks of success through an engaging curriculum and hands-on activities.

Capital One Gives Students the 3 R’s to Success through YouthBiz

Janet RedwineGet Involved, YouthBiz Leave a Comment

With a mission to empower Denver-area youth, particularly those from low-income backgrounds, to create their own successful futures through hands-on programs and real-life experiences in entrepreneurship, YouthBiz teaches students to re-imagine, re-plan and recover.  These concepts can be grouped into the 3 R’s to survive and thrive through the pandemic. Re-Imagine Be prepared to be agile Work with power teams …

Sharp and Ready: YouthBiz StartUp at Porter Billups Leadership Academy

Sharp and Ready: YouthBiz StartUp at Porter Billups Leadership Academy

Janet RedwineYouthBiz Leave a Comment

For three consecutive weeks this the summer, fourth- through eleventh-graders gathered at Regis University for the Porter Billups Leadership Academy.  These students have a chance to do something many of their peers deem impossible: graduate from high school and attend college.  And for the first time since this program was established in 1996, YouthBiz was an important part of their …

Students Displaying Technology by holding phone cases and video game remotes

Business “Variety Show” at DSST: Green Valley Ranch

Stacy WinnerYouthBiz Leave a Comment

What do lava lamps, chocolate, and key chains all have in common?  You could find all of these hand-crafted products (and much more!) at the 2019 DSST: Green Valley Ranch “Elective Showcase!” Seventh grade students celebrated the end of their school year by demonstrating their learning at this energy-filled event.  Nestled between preforming music groups and art galleries, 16 student-created …