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Virtual Money Matters Class
Grades 3-4
Cost: Free; participants earn a $10 savings certificate for attending which may only be deposited in a Young Americans Bank account
Format: Google classroom slideshow and activities
Technology needed: This class is offered on Google Classroom. Participants will need access to a computer/tablet, an internet connection, a Google account, and the ability to operate Google Classroom by themselves or with the assistance of an adult. Materials are available for printing through Google Classroom or answers can be written on a separate sheet of paper.
Additional materials needed: paper, pencil
Description: Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? In this class, second and third graders explore different career paths to find one that is a good fit for them. The class includes a recorded tutorial, worksheets, and engaging activities kids think about the future. No bonus bucks are currently awarded for this class, but may be offered in the future.  Visit our Money Matters Classes page for details.
After registering, participants will receive a Google Classroom password for this class. Please contact Natasha Rea at for questions or assistance registering.