Make a Money Pie! The key to financial well-being is to spend less than you earn. Sometimes that can be more difficult than it sounds, so you should always make a budget and stick to it! A budget is a plan for using income productively. There are many things that you can use your money for, but for this exercise, …
Experts estimate that four out of every ten Americans can’t afford a $400 emergency expense. This pre-pandemic statistic was only exacerbated in the last year as businesses closed their doors and unemployment rates rose. Young Americans Center for Financial Education and proud supporter Janus Henderson Investors are working together to solve this problem by teaching youth about the importance of …
Experts agree: saving is important. Â So today Young Americans Bank shares a great tip for growing your savings: 70 / 20 / 10! You might notice that 70 + 20 + 10 = 100. Â These numbers correspond to percents that you can use any time you receive money: Some kids receive money as an allowance. Â Some earn money because they …
Does being financially responsible actually make a person healthier? Research suggests that this is true. And thanks to Children’s Hospital Colorado, children can learn the basics of money management at a young age, providing time to practice and perfect these skills well before adulthood. The negative effects and prevalence of financial stress are well documented. A July, 2018 article in …