Young Americans Bank and Center for Financial Education are honored to welcome six new Board Members this year to help lead our organization. Their experience and passion are such an asset to both institutions, and they are already hard at work providing guidance, support, and oversight. Meet all six Board Members below! Chris Becze, Armanino As Tax Partner at Armanino, …
Young Americans Center for Financial Education is so pleased to have Will Forbes and Amelia Marcum as Co-Chairs for the 2020-2021 Youth Advisory Board. Â Learn about each in today’s blog! Will Forbes is a senior at Kent Denver School. Will serves as the President for Sun Devils Model United Nations, and Co-president for the Entrepreneurship Club. He has served on …
Every year, Young Americans Center for Financial Education selects a new group of middle and high school students to serve on the Youth Advisory Board. This year may look a little different with virtual meetings and socially-distant events, but it won’t stop the board members from learning all they can from Young Americans. The Youth Advisory Board meets once a …
Young Americans relies on the leadership and expertise of two Board of Directors that provide oversight and strategic planning for both Young Americans Bank and Center for Financial Education. This month, we are proud to introduce a member of the Young Americans Bank Board of Directors, Scott Simon. Simon brings 26 years of professional investment management experience to the Board. …
The leader of Young AmeriTowne is the Mayor, an elected official that oversees the Towne’s businesses, judicial system, and laws. This job is sometimes thankless, often difficult, and always a chance for a 5thgrader to step into a new role as a leader. Mayor Kevin led AmeriTowne when his school, Arrowhead Elementary, participated last month. In order to become Mayor, …
Brigid McNamara, a Junior at George Washington High School, has an impressive resume. She’s first in her class, and she’s a member of her school’s Varsity Golf Team, National Honors Society, and Speech and Debate Team.  She is a founder and president of the Bye Bye Bully Club, and she’s a member of the Federal Reserve Bank Board. But what …
Young Americans greatly benefits from the dedicated leaders on our three Boards of Directors overseeing Young Americans Bank and Young Americans Center for Financial Education. Today we’d like to introduce you to long-time board member Charles (Charlie) D. Maguire, Jr., Partner at Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP. At Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP, Charlie represents a wide range of companies in …
Being a Youth Advisory Board member is a truly transformative experience. No matter your interests, you can benefit a great deal from being a part of the board. Interested in business? The Board can teach you about banking, give you meaningful networking experiences with prominent professionals in the Denver business community, and provide meaningful experience with the inner workings of …
The term for the 2013-2014 board has ended. Â We had a fantastic year learning about banking, finance, non-profits, philanthropy, business etiquette, and much more. Â The Youth Board members finished up their term with a fun pool party at Bill Daniels’ old home of Cableland. Â They are also helping us recruit the new board members for the 2014-2015 term. Do you …