Real Life Lessons in Bank Credit

Real-life Lessons in Bank Credit

Janet Redwine Bank, Events Leave a Comment

Everitt Middle School is partnering with Young Americans Bank to give 7th and 8th grade students real-world experience in bank credit.  This past month in Mr. Lay’s Honors Algebra 1 class, 27 students each applied for a $100 loan. To qualify for a loan, students first presented to Bank Vice President Tijuan Harvey. Each student explained how he/she would use …


Meet a Board Member: AJ Hammerstein, CO-Chair

Janet Redwine Bank, General, Get Involved Leave a Comment

A new school year means a new Youth Advisory Board at Young Americans!  This month, we are thrilled to introduce you to one of the Youth Board Co-Chairs, AJ Hammerstein, who is a Senior at East High School. AJ’s first encounter with Young Americans Center for Financial Education was his 5thgrade field trip to Young AmeriTowne.  AJ wanted to be …

YACFE Debit Card Image

Concept of the Month: Are You Credit Ready?

Natasha Rea Bank Leave a Comment

You’ve probably noticed that most adults have a credit card.  But you might be surprised to learn that many adults don’t use a credit card responsibly!  Young Americans Bank wants to help you understand what credit is and how YOU can use a credit card responsibly.  Then, we want to help you decide if you’re ready for a credit card! …


Beat from the Branch: Trunk or Treat Green Valley Ranch

Janet Redwine Bank, Events Leave a Comment

Come join Young Americans Bank on our annual Trunk-or-Treat!  This family friendly event will consist of funny to scary costumes, delicious Treats & Candy and fun games.  We would love to see as many monsters, superheroes, princesses, and all other costumes as possible.  This year’s Trunk-or-Treat will be held at the Evie Dennis Campus.  Don’t miss out on this fun …