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Sponsor Spotlight: Eide Bailly Brings Finance to Life at Young Americans Center

Betsy SklarGet Involved, International Towne Leave a Comment

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All businesses need to manage their finances to succeed.  The shops in Young AmeriTowne and the countries in International Towne are no different.  Each has revenue and expenses, just like a real business, and each has a student accountant that manages this cash flow to maintain profitability.  Helping bring the Towne experience to life in both programs is proud sponsor Eide Bailly LLP. 

Eide Bailly has provided accounting services to businesses and individual clients since the company began in 1917.  With more than 40 offices in 14 states across the country, the company employs over 330 partners and 2,500 staff members.  Inside Public Accounting named Eide Bailly one of the top 100 firms in 2020. 

Eide Bailly thrives with community programs.

Although accounting is “all about the numbers,” community relationships and partnerships are what make Eide Bailly thrive.  At Eide Bailly, a core component of corporate culture lies around volunteering, giving back and supporting the communities that support the firm,” notes a 2016 article about the company’s local community engagement efforts.   

In Colorado, this means Eide Bailly supports the community through both financial support and employee volunteering.  Professionals from Denver, Fort Collins, Grand Junction, and Boulder use their eight hours of paid volunteer time to support Children’s Hospital Colorado, the American Lung Association, Make-a-Wish Foundation, Adopt-A-Family, and Young Americans Center for Financial Education.  Local Eide Bailly offices also fund numerous community initiatives every year. 

Shannon Lemmon, Partner, helps in more ways that one.

Eide Bailly Partner Shannon Lemmon is a valuable member of the Young Americans Center Board of Directors.  Additionally, she volunteers her time in the Center’s programs.  “Eide Bailly is proud to support Young AmeriTowne and International Towne, where elementary and middle school students gain first-hand experience in finance,” says Lemmon.  “These lessons provide the life skills that will help them be financially successful and independent adults someday.” 

Thank you, Eide Bailly. 

You are more than just a top tier accounting firm; your commitment to youth financial education makes a significant and meaningful impact on our community. 


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