Giving Our Treasure

Young Americans Center for Financial Education Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

One of the key lessons in the Young AmeriTowne free enterprise curriculum is about philanthropy.  We teach our 5th grade students that philanthropy means giving of your “time, talents, and treasure.” The 5th graders have the opportunity to budget their paychecks and then give some of their AmeriTowne “treasure” during their day in Towne.  Each citizen can donate AmeriTowne dollars …

Tales from Towne: Who’s the Boss?

Young Americans Center for Financial Education Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Every shop in Young AmeriTowne has its own responsibilities, ranging from the Medical Center taking care of patients to the radio station playing preferred fifth grade music; each shop is integral to the running of AmeriTowne. Although each shop is different they all have one job in common: the Manager. Each Manager is responsible for a variety of tasks: running …

Tales From Towne: Donation Station

Young Americans Center for Financial Education Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

In the middle of Young AmeriTowne sits a large setup that is important to all seventeen shops and every citizen. This station does not have hired employees, nor does it sell any products. Yet, it is a crucial element of the town. This station is the donation station. Towne dollars to real dollars Each day at Young AmeriTowne, children may …

Tales From Town: Newspaper At a Glance

Susan Stenhaug Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Coming to the end of my third week working in Young AmeriTowne, I still find myself mesmerized by how the students are able perform each of their tasks in a short period of time while managing to spend all of their paycheck. Each shop has its own unique services and products that other shops and citizens depend on. One of …

Tales from Towne: Medical Center at a Glance – From Ambulance to Co-Payment

Young Americans Center for Financial Education Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Childhood is augmented by the imagination and despite the fact 10 year-olds running Young AmeriTowne try on some grown-up responsibilities for the day, doesn’t mean they don’t enliven their day with some creativity. One shop where students really get the chance to role-play is the Medical Center. Trips to the Medial Center Armed with lab coats, child-sized scrubs and stethoscopes, …

Tales From Towne: Advertising 101

Young Americans Center for Financial Education Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

At the beginning of the day whoever is leading Towne asks the students what to do if a product is selling out quickly, “raise the price!” is usually the general consensus. But then they’re asked what to do if a product isn’t selling that doesn’t involve changing the price, Towne citizens are sometimes stumped. The answer is to advertise. Fortunate …

Tales from Towne: You’ve Got Mail!

Young Americans Center for Financial Education Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Spotlight On: Parcel Service If you were to ask me which shop demands the most of its employees over the course of the day, the Parcel Service would certainly be somewhere at the top of my list.  A small storefront nestled at the end of Profit Parkway, the Parcel Service, sponsored by UPS, plays a major role in the success …

We Want You! Join Our Team

Young Americans Center for Financial Education General Leave a Comment

Did you have a phenomenal Young AmeriTowne experience when you were 10?  Do you still remember what it was like to deposit you pennies into your Young Americans Bank account?  You can rekindle those feelings and help create new memories for youth throughout Colorado.  Join our team – we’re hiring! We’re looking for a Programs Assistant, a role that works …

Tales from Towne: Fun Laws!

Young Americans Center for Financial Education Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Young AmeriTowne One of my favorite aspects of both AmeriTowne and International Towne are the “Fun Laws” that each school comes up with. Part of their curriculum is centered on the importance of effective laws for government and to close out the lesson each class must come up with a few laws for their day in Towne. They are first …

Tales from Towne: Show me the money!

Young Americans Center for Financial Education Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Spotlight on: The Bank “Where are you all going to go first when you go on break?” “The bank!” Each student who passes through AmeriTowne is responsible for depositing his or her paycheck at the bank. A portion of their salary goes into their checking accounts and they receive the rest in cash. The students who work as bank employees …