Make a Money Pie! The key to financial well-being is to spend less than you earn. Sometimes that can be more difficult than it sounds, so you should always make a budget and stick to it! A budget is a plan for using income productively. There are many things that you can use your money for, but for this exercise, …
The holidays are quickly approaching, so today Young Americans Bank brings you our tips for savvy shopping!  Whether you’re looking for the perfect gift or you’re looking to spend some money you’ve been gifted, these tips will help you save money. Think before you buy Do you really need this? Is this the one you want and will you still really, …
What kinds of things are coming up for which you will need money? Â Holiday gifts? School clothes? Â Vacation? College? Â You can probably think of quite a few. Â How are you going to get that money? You need a plan! Try using a spending plan to help you figure out how much money you have coming in and how much money …
Understanding how to budget is vital in order to be financially fit. Here at Young Americans Center, we believe that it is never too early to start teaching young people about the basics of budgeting. Although kids are not physically attending our classes right now, we have been diligently working to create fun and educational Virtual Programs available for students …
Does being financially responsible actually make a person healthier? Research suggests that this is true. And thanks to Children’s Hospital Colorado, children can learn the basics of money management at a young age, providing time to practice and perfect these skills well before adulthood. The negative effects and prevalence of financial stress are well documented. A July, 2018 article in …