Credit is important in today’s world. We use credit cards to pay for purchases, and we must have credit to be able to take out a loan from a bank or financial services institution. This month, Young Americans Bank helps you learn all about credit! What is Credit? Credit is the borrowing of funds with the intent of paying them …
The Early Investor Catches the Worm You may have heard the saying that “time equals money” or “money equals time.” Â But, do you know what that means? Â In the world of investing, the earlier you start investing, the more money you’re likely to have at the end. Â In short, the longer you invest, the more money you’re likely to earn. …
Young Americans relies on the leadership and expertise of two Board of Directors that provide oversight and strategic planning for both Young Americans Bank and Center for Financial Education. This month, we are proud to introduce a member of the Young Americans Bank Board of Directors, Scott Simon. Simon brings 26 years of professional investment management experience to the Board. …
Learning how to save is important! Â As a kiddo you might not have many expenses, but if you can develop good savings habits now, you’ll be so thankful when it comes time to buy your first car or your first house. Â This month, Young Americans Bank brings you our tips for setting savings goals that you can actually reach! Setting …
Young Americans Bank welcomes a new Board Chair this year! Debbie Meyers, long-time Board Member of the Young Americans Bank Board of Directors, replaces Jim Steeples who retired from the Board at the end of 2019. Meyers’ experience and passion will allow her to excel in this role. After earning a B.S. in Economics, summa cum laude, from Iowa State …
As with any good habit, starting early in life and keeping up with said habit can help one become more successful. As it is the start of a new year and a time for new beginnings, why not have your students start out the new-year right with learning about a new, healthy habit? Learning about savings and starting good savings …
Money management skills can be developed at an early age, and Young Americans Bank is here to help! As a young adult, you can master money management by closely following these financial rules: MoneyMoney spent must never exceed the income available. Save a part of all the money you receive. Put your money to work earning interest. Avoid borrowing because …
Summer is on its way and our piggy friends will soon be back! Oink! Oink! Come hang out with our Belmar Bank this summer for Pigs around Town. Â For the second year in a row, kids ages 0-21 can join this fun scavenger hunt to win money and other cool prizes. Â New accounts can earn up to $50, and existing …
Young Americans Board Members support our mission to develop the financial literacy of young people through real-life experiences and hands-on programs purposefully designed to enable them to prosper in our free enterprise system.  This month, we’d like to introduce you to Shawn Cole, Executive Vice President at Bank of the West and Young Americans Bank Board Member. At Bank of the …
Sometimes it’s hard for us to save money. Â There are things we want and need, and even though we keep our money in the bank, we sometimes find that our savings isn’t increasing as we’d like! Â This month, we bring you a helpful tip we call “70 20, 10.” Â Read on to learn how to save more money each month! …