
New YouthBiz Partner Offers Summer Programs for Teens

Anna LeerYouthBiz Leave a Comment

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Looking for an educational and inspiring activity for your teen this summer?

We know that summer can be challenging. Younger teens have challenges finding a summer job, and those who do work part time have to juggle sports practices and other long standing extracurricular activities.  These commitments make it more difficult for teens to capitalize on opportunities over the summers, since most require full day, or even multi-week commitment.

That’s why YouthBiz is partnering with Read More Co for their Stay F.R.E.S.H.™Entrepreneur Program.   This eight-week session is great for teens who already have a business, are thinking about and want to start a business, or are completely new to the concept of entrepreneurship. Sessions take place for 90 minutes on Thursdays this summer and only cost $30.  If a week of YouthBiz Summer Camp doesn’t work with your schedule, this program is for you!!

Over the course of the program, each week a new business subject will be introduced, taught and discussed. Utilizing each subject, attendees will be tasked with framing their own “mock-company” that they will ultimately present to a panel of local Colorado business leaders on the program’s final week. YouthBiz is excited to be presenting the topics of Professionalism and Salesmanship on June 13 and Cost Analysis and Financing on July 25th. Other topics of the program include Idea Generation, Marketing, Branding, and Advertising.

With over 25 years of experience in entrepreneurship education for teens, YouthBiz is looking forward to sharing its expertise with this new partner in the Denver area.  This is a great way for teens to get some instruction on starting their very own business in a way that allows for flexibility and customization to individual needs without committing to an entire week or month of programming.  We would love to bring all of these new entrepreneurs into our community of young business owners, participating in marketplaces, attending workshops, securing business mentors, and applying for our annual business competition!

Founded in Aurora, Colorado in December 2015, the goal of Read More Co is to provide people with a passion for reading that will allow them to grow into the best versions of themselves, and the Stay F.R.E.S.H.™ Entrepreneur Program is a new program offering for this summer!

To sign up for sessions of the program, click here!  Be sure you register for weeks 2 and 7 to learn from YouthBiz’s vast bank of knowledge!

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