Summer Camp Bank Deposit

Looking for 37 Donor Friends!

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Scholarship Camper Thank You LetterIf you were 10 years old, and your family had no money for “extras,” what would be the best news ever? How about a scholarship to the summer camp of your dreams!

For 37 deserving students, the answer is “Yes! There’s a place for you at Jr. Money Matters, Girls Can, International Towne, …” In fact, every camp, from the brand new Just Start It for aspiring entrepreneurs to the beloved Young AmeriTowne (29 years!) includes excited scholarship students.

Now they need you to make the donation that makes their scholarship possible.

Thirty-seven friends of financial ed for kids are needed, one for each child. Can you fund a partial scholarship ($123)? Or a full scholarship ($244)? Or underwrite all the costs ($500) and qualify for the Colorado Child Care Tax Credit and make your scholarship tax-wise (and bigger than you thought possible!).

Go straight to the donation page and make your gift for Summer Programs Scholarship.  For gifts of $500 and above, we’ll send you the paperwork to qualify for the thrifty tax credit for 2019.

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