Sponsor Spotlight: Janus, Towne Hall Sponsor

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Young Americans Center for Financial Education Summer CampsToday we shine our sponsor spotlight on Janus Capital Group, a 15 year supporter of Young Americans Center for Financial Education. Since the partnership began in 2001, Janus has given contributions totaling over $400,000!

Janus believes investing is a two-way street. Since 1994, The Janus Foundation has been the primary giving arm of the organization. Janus puts their passion and commitment to work to help people reach their goals through investment products as well as their investments in the community. In both cases the goal is the same – to make life, and lives better. The mission of The Janus Foundation is to create opportunities to help children succeed and achieve their goals and aspirations through education, as well as to support communities and organizations nationwide, and across the globe.

Janus accomplishes this mission day-in-and-day-out at the Young AmeriTowne program.  Each day, Towne Hall, the center of the Young AmeriTowne government, officially opens with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and swearing-in of elected government leaders. The mayor, judge and police officers, run the Janus sponsored Towne Hall.

With Power Comes Responsibility.

Once citizens vote on and enact laws for their Day in Towne, Towne Hall is responsible for upholding them, issuing citations, collecting fines, and reviewing cases of dispuYoung Americans Center for Financial Education Summer Campte in court. Towne Hall also issues licenses for each business and coordinates community philanthropic activities.  “I’ve been waiting to do this since second grade,” said an 11-year-old Young AmeriTowne participant who won his classroom campaign for mayor. “I had older friends tell me about it and they said it was the most exciting thing they did in school.”

The laws are often one of the cherished aspects of both the Young AmeriTowne and International Towne programs. After going through the law section of the curriculum, teachers and students work together to create “Fun Laws” that help make the Day in Towne experience a bit silly. Some examples of laws include: hopping on one foot when passing Towne Hall, dancing when walking by the radio shop, or doing push-ups when entering the fitness shop. Before these laws are created students are informed of the basic laws that are mandated in Young AmeriTowne:

  • No running
  • No gum chewing
  • No leaving Towne limits
  • No littering
  • No resisting arrest
  • No eating or drinking in your shop (with the exception of the snack shop)

As in real life, if a law is broken, students are issued a citation, or sent to court where they must face the judge. This memorable, practical, hands-on learning experience gives students an opportunity to practice being an adult. By educating youth early on about the various aspects of business, economics and free enterprise, they have an opportunity to be prepared for what they will experience in adulthood as young professionals.

Young Americans is so grateful for our partnership with Janus! Each year, thanks to their support, thousands of students gain civic consciousness, career awareness, and much, much more.

About Janus Capital Group:

Since 1969, Janus Capital Group has stayed true to their mission: deliver better client outcomes through actively managed investment solutions. Today, Janus Capital Group offers a broad range of fixed income, equity and multi-asset strategies managed by Janus, INTECH and Perkins, in addition to a suite of exchange-traded products.

Through deep expertise in security selection, portfolio construction, and asset allocation, Janus helps individual and institutional investors meet their goals, including growth of capital, volatility management, uncorrelated returns and income.


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