Summer Camp Bankers in Young AmeriTowne are shown holding cash

2021 Summer Camp Policies

Patricia WellsClasses + Camps, General 2 Comments

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Young Americans Center for Financial Education
2021 Summer Camp Policies


Thank you for choosing Young Americans Center for Financial Education for your child this summer. We are excited to offer camps and understand there are many questions you may have prior to sending your child. Below you fill find several frequently asked questions as well as other precautionary measures Young Americans will be taking this summer. Please feel free to contact us with any other questions you may have.

How will proper hand hygiene be encouraged? We have several locations in our buildings that campers will be able to use during the day for handwashing purposes. Handwashing times will be built into our schedule to allow for sanitation during the day. Hand sanitizer stations will also be located around the building.

How will staff and campers be screened each day? Staff and campers will have their temperature taken every morning prior to entering the building. Any staff member or camper with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher will be sent home immediately. If a staff member or camper develops a fever throughout the day of camp they will be sent home immediately.

What other steps are being taken to keep campers safe? Per Colorado guidance for indoor summer camps, cohorts must remain with their group and not mix with other groups during structured time or free time.

What types of social distancing measures will be observed? Social distancing will be a priority in all activities. Program space will be set up so participants are 6 feet apart whenever possible. Floors will be marked anywhere campers will line up and all chosen activities will allow for more physical space and games/sports that require team play will be discouraged.

Will it be necessary for staff and campers to wear facemasks? Yes, we are requiring all staff and campers to wear masks while at camp. It will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide a clean mask each day. However, campers will be able to remove their mask during outside lunch activities.

How often will areas be cleaned? Each area will be cleaned between uses. When groups switch areas all surfaces will be cleaned and sanitized.

How will drop-off and pick-up be handled? All drop-off and pick-up of campers will be curbside to limit exposure in the program areas. Signs will be posted to direct parents/guardians to the right area. Staff will sign campers out of camp after an id has been checked every day.

What is the plan if someone becomes sick? We will provide communication with all families of enrolled campers related to the occurrences of COVID-19 at the camp, the camp’s responses, and all requests from public health.

Where will campers put their belongings? Each camper will be given a dedicated space to place personal belongings while at camp.

How will snack/lunch be handled? Snacks will be provided each day. If you choose, you may provide a snack as an alternative to those provided by YA. No snacks will be shared or allowed to be traded. Parents/guardians are responsible for providing lunch and a water bottle every day.


You can download this information here. 

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