You’ve probably noticed that most adults have a credit card. But you might be surprised to learn that many adults don’t use a credit card responsibly! Young Americans Bank wants to help you understand what credit is and how YOU can use a credit card responsibly. Then, we want to help you decide if you’re ready for a credit card! …
This month, Young Americans Bank wants to help you better manage your money! One of the most important personal money management rules is to live within your income. To accomplish this, most of us need a plan for how we will spend our money. Here are 5 steps you can use to create a spending plan: Step 1 – Take a …
If you’re a parent, you’re probably hoping to make the most of summer by including both fun and learning in your plans! Young Americans wants to our ideas for how you can help your kiddo learn money smarts this summer. Tip 1: Sidewalk Stand The old-fashioned lemonade stand is a great way for kiddos to get a taste of business. …
Making a budget can be hard. But, when you make a practical budget and stick to it, you’ll find you have all the money you need for the important things you really want and need! Other reasons to budget include: When you make a budget and stick to it, you are less likely to squander your money on impulse purchases …
In his weekly blog, Author Terrence provides recommendations for engaging activities for youth around the Denver metro area. Included this week is Young Americans Bank and Center for Financial Education! Read the full blog here.
It is very important to keep track of your own transactions in your checkbook register, and then double check your register with the statement the bank sends you every month. Make sure all the checks and deposits that the bank is showing are correct, and that you haven’t missed recording any of those same deposits, checks, or withdrawals in your register. What’s the …
Young Americans Center for Financial Education is proud to announce our Summer Camp line-up for 2018! These week-long day camps allow youth to participate in our award-winning programs that teach financial literacy in a fun, hands-on way. For more information and to register, please visit our Summer Camp page. Here’s what we’re offering this summer: Junior Money Matters (Completed 2nd …
Have you heard what’s been happening at Young Americans Bank these days? In case you haven’t, let me fill you in! We all know that Young Americans Bank, the only bank in the world designed especially for kids, is a great place for today’s youth to establish a bank account and learn more about the fundamentals of basic banking. But, …
Every month Young Americans Bank dives into a financial concept to help our customers understand more about money. During August, we’re looking at philanthropy. What does it mean to give? How do you plan your giving? Get started here with these activities, and then come visit us in Young Americans Bank for more help, feedback, and tips. Time, Talent, Treasure …
Young Americans Center Celebrates Financial Literacy Month
April is Financial Literacy Month–one of our favorite times of year here at Young Americans. Besides participating in a national conversation about how to better educate the public about finance, it is the perfect time for youth to take advantage of the programming and services offered by Young Americans. Young Americans Center for Financial Education is holding two FREE classes …