Each month we focus on one topic in Young Americans Bank called the Concept of the Month. This month we’re having a bit of fun and talking about becoming a millionaire! So what’s the secret? The trick to being a millionaire is to start earning and saving money NOW! Save your money, get a summer job, invent something the world can’t …
April is Financial Literacy Month and boy do we should have a lot planned! There are classes and activities and tour and a Marketplace. Wow! See below for the schedule and be sure to check our website for updates. Classes April 4, 2015 Savings Game (ages 9-12)- An interactive game where kids discuss ways to save money and learn how …
Our entrepreneurship program kicked off 2015 with a bang! We hosted a fantastic event with Denver Open Media where several businesses got to film and edit their own commercials. The event was a hit and we’re looking at scheduling another one, so stay tuned. In the meantime, however, we have some fantastic events coming up if you’re looking to start …
How early is it to begin discussing investing with children? As soon as a child demonstrates curiosity about investing, they may be ready to learn some basics. Many kids are hungry to learn about investing and are eager to watch their dollars grow. You can plant a seed as soon as they inquire. Investment Company The Investment Company is one …
Every day as Young AmeriTowne comes to a close, I am rushing around to check in with the accountants to see if their shop was able to pay back the bank loan plus 10 % interest. Each shop is required to take out a loan in the morning so they can do business, but at the end of the day …
In last month’s post on holiday savings, I mentioned that you may offer to help your child pay for holiday purchases. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to fork over money you may never see again. In fact, you are well within your rights and providing an invaluable learning opportunity by offering your youngster a loan. Lending money to adult …
We recently connected with Sam Renick, a long-time fan of financial literacy for young people. He wrote these great words of advice to parents for talking to kids about finances, and generously agreed to let us share his tips here. The original post can be found here. Mastery requires repetition, so does the development of great money habits. A …
Our popular and unique Second Saturday classes are back this fall. Each month, we host scores of young bank customers and AmeriTowne alums to teach them the next step in their personal finance. Classes are one hour long and focus on great lessons for youth ages 3 to 8. The youngest class attendees get to play Coin Carnival, a fun …
Every month we discuss a different concept in Young Americans Bank about personal finance. This month, we’re talking about a Spending Plan. One of the most important personal money management rules is: Live within your income. To accomplish this, most of us need a plan for how we will spend our money. Here are 5 steps to create a Spending Plan: …
Economists tend to think of people as rational and unemotional when dealing with money. As a parent, you know how difficult it can be to tell your child “no”. That can be emotional for you and your child, can’t it? Even if you never deny your child’s wants (yeah, right), common sense tells us that we aren’t robots that mechanically …