Tales from Towne: Goals

Young Americans Center for Financial EducationYoung AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

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Before visiting AmeriTowne, students meet in business groups at school.  In addition to determining a shop advertising strategy, students set business goals.  Tales from Towne: GoalsWhen they arrive at AmeriTowne, our staff members display these goals as a helpful reminder.

Most days the goals are very similar.  For example, the phrases “Earn a profit for our business after we repay the bank loan” or “We want cooperate and work well as a team today” often appear.  But my favorite goals are the ones that we rarely see.

Last week, as new crew of Parts and Service Shop employees entered their shop, I pulled out their goal sheet and chuckled.  Here were their goals:

  1. Eat at least 10 cookies on my first break
  2. Find a car and wreck it
  3. Listen to the manager
  4. No singing or anything else

Tales from Towne: GoalsWhat made these goals so memorable was their ability to remind me that work has all of these components—to be successful and enjoy your job you need to listen to your Manager, work well with your colleagues, and still enjoy your day.  This goal sheet, as simple and funny as it is, applies to adults!

The Parts and Service Shop employees had a very successful day in Towne.  They met most of their goals–only one cookie was devoured, not ten, and no cars were wrecked but lots of vehicles were fixed.  Plus, they paid back the bank in full, and they left knowing that they had donated to the charity of their choice.

I am almost always blown away by students’ ability to come out on top and work as a team to run a successful business.  Every day is different, but every day I love helping a new group of young people reach their goals.

Teacher Tip: When business groups are filling out their goal sheet, have each student suggest a goal.  Besides encouraging quieter students to voice their thoughts, this process helps each student feel that her thoughts are valued by the group.

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