2016 YouthBiz Star: Kayla Wolins

2016 YouthBiz Star: Kayla Wolins

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Age 12-15 Category Winner: Kayla Wolins, Cards for Caring

2016 YouthBiz Star: Kayla Wolins

YouthBiz Star Kayla Wolins with her mentor Heidi Ganahl, Founder, Camp Bow Wow

Kayla Wolins (15) has been taking photos of nature since she was old enough to hold a camera.  According to her mother, Michelle, “Growing up in Evergreen, there weren’t a lot of neighborhood children, so we’d give Kayla a disposable camera to keep her occupied.”  Today, her photographs could be in National Geographic.

Kayla combined her love of photography and a passion for non-profits that serve animals by establishing her own non-profit business, Cards for Caring when she was 12.  Her stunning outdoor photographs, packaged in card sets such as “Offbeat Owls” and “Whispering Water,” sell briskly and all the profits benefit the Wild Animal Sanctuary in Keensburg, Colorado.

Her growing business raised $1,700 for the animals in its first year. By 2015 she was able to donate $7,000.  “I always wanted to volunteer for the sanctuary, but I am too young and I live too far away. Cards for Caring is a way for me to help a cause that I feel very passionate about.”

Kayla’s long-term goals include using her cards to create awareness. “I really hope to change people’s minds—cards could help tell people about prison reform or mental health issues” too.

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