Investment Accountant in YAT

Sponsor Spotlight: Eide Bailly Provides Real-World Accounting Experience in Young AmeriTowne

Janet RedwineYoung AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

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Business Checkbook in YAT

A student Accountant rips out Eide Bailly paychecks from the Utility Company business checkbook

Some of the most important people in Young AmeriTowne are the Accountants—students who manage the finances of each shop.  Typically, there are 17 Accountants working each day.  Thanks to proud sponsor Eide Bailly, they get a taste of what being a real Accountant is like!

The first accounting lesson for these students takes place at school.  They learn how to use a Projected Income and Expense sheet to help determine their prices, and they practice writing business checks.  Each employee of their shop will receive a paycheck at the beginning of the day which is written by the Accountant.  Finally, Accountants learn that a ledger can help them record business transactions and determine whether or not their shop is profitable.

Turning this learning into action in Young AmeriTowne, Accountants have a great deal of responsibility!  In addition to ensuring each of their citizens receives a physical paycheck, Accountants pay bills for their shop using an electronic payment system. Utilities, rent, advertising, and health insurance are just a few examples of their expenses.  Accountants also make deposits for their shop in hopes of earning enough money to be able to pay back the bank loan.  Accountants are so busy during Towne that they are “too busy to get sick.” They cannot be taken to the Medical Center at any point in the day.

One goal of Young AmeriTowne is to expose students to careers they might not otherwise consider.  Thanks to Eide Bailly, Accountants in Young AmeriTowne gain real-world experience in the finance world at a young age.

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