We’ve Branched Out

Young Americans Center for Financial EducationBank, Events Leave a Comment

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Balloons welcomed guests to the Branch Grand Opening.

Balloons welcomed guests to the Branch Grand Opening.

Our branch is open!

And what a success it has been!  Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Branch Grand Opening on Friday, January 18.  We opened a record 94 accounts in one day.  The food was a hit, we had lots of fun party guests, and everything at the branch looked fabulous.


A new customer is helped by his dad to fill out a deposit slip.

A new customer is helped by his dad to fill out a deposit slip.

The morning started off with a presentation by the Denver Foundation for Educational Excellence, which raised the money for Z Place, the building that our branch is in.  Z Place is the home of Young Americans Bank and many other non-profit, community-serving partners that will become a “cradle to community” center.  The Rev. Brenda Girton-Mitchell from the U.S. Department of Education was present to congratulate the partners and help with the ribbon cutting ceremony.

A bank staff member works with two new customers and their dad to open accounts.

A bank staff member works with two new customers and their dad to open accounts.

Savings Galore

Our first account was opened right after 11:00am, when the branch opens.  We didn’t slow down from there!  Every 15 minutes we pulled in all those waiting to open accounts and ran small “new account classes”.  The staff members spoke to 5-8 people at once, explaining the details of a savings account, what an interest rate is, how to make a deposit transaction, and more.  After these “mini classes,” staff members worked individually with the new customers to complete paperwork and answer questions.  Each new customer went to the teller stations to make their first deposit.  Each new customer also received a new iPod Shuffle!

A new customer shows off his iPod Shuffle he received for opening a new account.

A new customer shows off his iPod Shuffle he received for opening a new account.

When school let out, then the party really got going!  Several of our young entrepreneurs provided food: lemonade, cupcakes, burritos and tamales.  Rich Martinez, our President and CEO, made a quick announcement, thanking all those who helped make the branch possible.  He also reminded everyone to put their savings goals into the time capsule (to be opened in 10 years), and grab a Branch Scavenger Hunt sheet.  All those who completed the scavenger hunt received a $1 coin.

The Branch stayed busy the entire day - even closing an hour later than normal to accommodate new customers.

The Branch stayed busy the entire day – even closing an hour later than normal to accommodate new customers.

The evening wrapped up with the last few accounts opened and the staff tired, but thrilled. The next day we continued to open new accounts at a blistering pace, and had a few long-time customers come in to make transactions at the new location, which is more convenient for many of them.

Our hours for the remainder of the school year will be Monday-Friday 11am to 6pm and Saturdays 10am to 3pm.  Get more information about our branch here: www.yacenter.wpengine.com/Branch

The new bank branch is housed in "Z Place" on the Evie Dennis campus.

The new bank branch is housed in “Z Place” on the Evie Dennis campus.

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