Sponsor Spotlight: Alpine Bank Pays for A’s and Much More!

Sponsor Spotlight: Alpine Bank Pays for A’s and Much More!

Janet Redwine International Towne, Young AmeriTowne, YouthBiz Leave a Comment

This week, Young Americans Center shines a spotlight on Alpine Bank, a proud supporter of AmeriTowne On the Road and our other hands-on programs in financial education for the past three years. From the bank’s beginning in 1973, Alpine Bank Chairman Bob Young thought that giving back to the community would “be good for the bottom line.” He has since …

Broadcasting Live in Young AmeriTowne Thanks to Colorado Public Radio

Sponsor Spotlight: Send-a-School Program

Janet Redwine International Towne, Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Young Americans Center for Financial Education exists to provide every Colorado student, regardless of background, with the opportunity for effective training in financial literacy and workforce skills.  One of the programs that helps accomplish this mission is our Send-a-School sponsorship program.  Established in 2004, Send-a-School partners enable Young Americans to award financial assistance to students and schools attending Young AmeriTowne …

Tales from Towne: The Dilemma

Young Americans Center for Financial Education International Towne Leave a Comment

International Towne is a one-of-a-kind educational program offered to 6th, 7th and 8th grade teachers to help teach students about global economics through fun, hands-on, experiential learning. Teachers use our curriculum to teach concepts in the classroom, which in turn prepares students for the most crucial (and fun) part of the program – a day running International Towne. International Towne is …

Sponsor Spotlight: Seeing the wonders of the world—thank you AAA Colorado!

Young Americans Center for Financial Education International Towne Leave a Comment

What’s pocket-sized, blue and is a key to the world? The AAA Colorado International Towne passport! The 10,000 students who visit International Towne each year carry this special tool with them at all times. AAA Colorado has been sending Colorado travelers around the world since 1922, and they also send International Towne students around their own world of 16 countries. …

Tales from Towne: Getting Ready for a New Year!

Young Americans Center for Financial Education International Towne, Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Now that summer is over, program staff is hard at work preparing for all of our students during the school year.  Our to do list is massive, including preparing materials, deep cleaning, re-arranging, re-decorating, and editing the curriculum taught during summer camps. Preparing materials is one of the most time consuming activities.   We are completing projects such as creating 120 …

Sponsor Spotlight: AAA Colorado Powers the Passports in International Towne

Young Americans Center for Financial Education International Towne Leave a Comment

AAA Colorado has been sending Colorado travelers around the world since 1922 and they also send International Towne students around their own world of 16 nations.  “The best learning comes from experience,” says AAA Colorado President Tony DeNovellis. So when International Towne students needed new passports to log their travels and currency exchange, AAA Colorado was a perfect partner. As …

Tales from Towne: International Towne Dilemma Summit

Merrick Stein International Towne Leave a Comment

One of the main lessons of International Towne is interdependence. International Towne presents a world of sixteen countries divided into four fictitious regions; MidAfri, EuRussia, PacAsia and Amerilat. Each country has a unique purpose in the economy and students learn how their actions, individually and as a country, impact the overall economy. The day starts with a trade simulation in …

Reflections on the Year

Young Americans Center for Financial Education Events, International Towne, Young AmeriTowne, YouthBiz Leave a Comment

This past year was tremendous for Young Americans Center. It may have gone by in the blink of an eye or seemed like a whirlwind at times. Yet, in retrospect, it was profoundly successful. There were first time events that premiered, annual events that thrived, and many plans that had been put in place years ago came into fruition. Some …

Tales from Towne: Welcome Back International Towne

Susan Stenhaug International Towne Leave a Comment

Hola!  Konnichiwa!  Privyet!  Shalom!  As students, carrying ceremonial flames  and flags representing their countries for the day, stand proudly in front of their peers to present greetings in their “native language” during an Olympic themed opening ceremony, I can’t help but wonder who these kids are going to be when they grow up.  As sixth or seventh graders, many of …

Tales from Towne: Credit or Debit?

Susan Stenhaug International Towne, Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

The financial world we live in today has changed a lot for consumers in the past ten years.  We have new tools to make payments such as Paypal or Venmo.  We shop online.  We rarely write checks anymore.  Small businesses accommodate the consumer with card swipe attachments to cell phones and tablets because people are more likely to carry a …