Sponsor Spotlight: Alpine Bank Pays for A’s and Much More!

Sponsor Spotlight: Alpine Bank Pays for A’s and Much More!

Janet RedwineInternational Towne, Young AmeriTowne, YouthBiz Leave a Comment

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This week, Young Americans Center shines a spotlight on Alpine Bank, a proud supporter of AmeriTowne On the Road and our other hands-on programs in financial education for the past three years.

From the bank’s beginning in 1973, Alpine Bank Chairman Bob Young thought that giving back to theSponsor Spotlight: Alpine Bank Pays for A’s and Much More! community would “be good for the bottom line.” He has since realized, “It isn’t good for the bottom line, it is the bottom line.”  In the last year, Alpine Bank has brought AmeriTowne On the Road to students in both Durango and Grand Junction, serving over 300 5th graders in each location so that they can experience their first job, earn their first paycheck, and run their first business.  Alpine Bank employees have been personally invested in each location, volunteering their time, providing take-away items, and involving the community.

Supporting youth education is an important initiative for Alpine Bank.  Through their “Pays for A’s” program, students have a chance earn up to $50 for entering their report cards in quarterly drawing at an Alpine Bank branch.  Alpine Bank pays $10 for an “A” and $5 for a “B,” for 10 winning report cards every quarter.

According to Clay Tufly, Alpine Bank Regional President in Grand Junction, “At Alpine Bank, we believe that starting early with age-appropriate and relevant financial education and consistently reinforcing those lessons throughout the K-12 school experience can help youth develop positive habits and skills that can make a lifetime of difference in their financial well-being.”  Young Americans Center couldn’t agree more—the purpose of our programs is to provide this experience so that young people grow up to be financially responsible adults.  We are so grateful to Alpine Bank for supporting this mission!

About Alpine Bank

Alpine Bank has been a part of Colorado since 1973 when their first bank was opened in Carbondale.  Serving more than 130,000 customers at 38 locations, Alpine Bank is committed to remaining the true community bank they’ve always been.  For more information, visit https://www.alpinebank.com/index.htm.

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