Bank of America Financial Volunteers stand together in Front of Town Hall in Young AmeriTowne

Sponsor Spotlight: BOK Financial Gives Students Tools for Financial Resilience

Patricia WellsInternational Towne, Programs, Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

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Young Americans Center for Financial Education and its supporters believe high-quality, proven programs in financial education should be available to ALL youth, regardless of socioeconomic background. Unfortunately, several barriers, particularly cost, preclude schools serving low-income Colorado youth from enrolling in the Young AmeriTowne or International Towne program.. This is where Send-a-School comes in. Established in 2004, this initiative, which is widely support by the business and philanthropic community, provides financial aid to low-income schools for their participation in either program. Nearly one out of every five students who participate in the Young AmeriTowne or International Towne program require a scholarship. Send-a-School aims to close the opportunity gap between low-income and higher income students.

Opportunity gap is an educational term referring to how race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and other factors contribute to or perpetuateTara Rojas, Senior Regional Community Relations Manager, BOK Financial says lower education achievement for certain groups of students. In short, it refers to “the unequal or inequitable distribution of resources and opportunities.” “The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated the well-documented opportunity and enrichment gaps that put low-income students at a disadvantage relative to their better-off peers. We are proud to work with Young Americans Center for Financial Education to reverse these trends and help contribute to a more equitable learning environment,” shares Tara Rojas, Senior Regional Community Relations Manager, BOK Financial.

BOK Financial sees an immediately addressable need and delivers results.

In 2020, BOK helped close the opportunity gap for 2,951 deserving students from 32 low-income schools (70% free/reduced lunch). On a mission to actively advance the communities they serve, BOK Financial shows that corporate citizenship and providing support to the most vulnerable populations is a long-term investment.

Thank you, BOK Financial, for your years of dedication to helping disadvantaged youth in Colorado receive high-quality opportunities for growth.

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