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Do you want to be a millionaire? Then start now! SAVE your money, get a summer job, invent something the world can’t live without, or start your own business! To help you get on your way, this month Young Americans Bank brings you seven savvy summer job ideas:
Cleaning Services: Washing windows, washing and waxing cars and boats, cleaning pools, cleaning aquariums, cleaning garages, cleaning small shops and businesses
Child Care: Babysitting, babysitter-finder service, babysitting for groups, summer play/park groups
Animal Care: Pet sitting, working at a horse stable, dog walking service, gourmet pet treats, pet clothing, poop pick-up services
Yard Work: Mowing lawns, edging and weed-eating ser-vice, watering yards and garden beds, weeding service, cleaning gutters, sweeping
House Sitting/Pet Sitting/Plant Sitting: get mail and newspapers, water plants, feed animals
Arts and Crafts: Bird feeders, bird houses, bandannas, hair ornaments, jewelry, paperweights, custom button making, hand decorated tote or beach bags, etc
Garage/Yard Sales: Organize and run garage or yard sales
Once you have an income plan in place, be sure to deposit your money regularly into your savings account!