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Deliver A Hands-on Lesson in Financial Education on Colorado Gives Day

Janet RedwineEvents Leave a Comment

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Coloradans can give the gift of financial literacy to Colorado’s young people by donating to Young Americans Center for Financial Education on Colorado Gives Day!  Donations give students of every background the opportunity to gain “money smarts for kids and money skills for life” at hands-on real-life programs like Young AmeriTowne, YouthBiz for young entrepreneurs, and International Towne.

There are two, easy ways to participate in this state-wide day of giving:

Presented by Community First Foundation and FirstBank, Colorado Gives Day is an annual statewide movement to celebrate and increase philanthropy through online giving. The event is powered by, a year-round, online giving website. Search for our profile on the site and make your safe and secure donation in a few easy steps.

“Recent research reports that fifty-two percent of Americans do not have enough money saved and on-hand for a $500 emergency,” says Richard E. Martinez, Jr., President and CEO of Young Americans Center for Financial Education. “Your donation on Colorado Gives Day puts young people on the path to financial responsibility, teaching them how to spend, save, and share their money wisely.” Young Americans Center’s goal is to raise $20,000 this year, which can provide scholarships for 634 deserving students attending eight schools serving low-income neighborhoods. Thanks to the $1 Million Incentive Fund, donations will go even further on Colorado Gives Day.

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