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This month, we’d like to introduce you to Andrew Hageman, a Junior at George Washington High School who just completed his term as Co-Chair of the Youth Advisory Board.  You could say that Andrew grew up at Young Americans Center for Financial Education!
After he opened his first savings account at Young Americans Bank, Andrew became fascinated with collecting coins from around the world. Â He even lent his collection to the Bank, where it was on display in the lobby for other youth to enjoy. Â Andrew also participated in Summer Camps, where he worked as an employee of the AmeriTowne Parcel Service and the Investment Company.

Andrew Hageman, 12-years-old, shakes hands with Chad McWhinney, his mentor when he won Spotlight on YouthBiz Stars 2013.
Andrew’s favorite memory at Young Americans is winning the Spotlight on YouthBiz Stars youth business competition in 2013. Â He and his business partner, Zac Stahlhut, won for their rocket business Zarl Inc., which sold toy rockets and offered birthday parties and summer camps. Â Winning a big check in front of an impressive crowd was incredible for Andrew, but the competition is memorable for another reason, too. Â Even though Zarl Inc. doesn’t exist anymore, Andrew says that “The experience and knowledge I gained through creating and growing my own business is irreplaceable.”

Youth Advisory Board Co-Chair Andrew Hageman with State Banking and Financial Services Commissioner Patty Salazar in Young AmeriTowne
Most recently, Andrew has served two years on the Youth Advisory Board, a group of 8th-12th graders that provides oversight and advice to Young Americans Bank and the nonprofit programs of Young Americans Center.  For Andrew, the Board provides, “A unique perspective on what will continue to spark interest in financial education for young people.”  As a Board member, Andrew appreciated being able to attend special events as a representative of Young Americans.  For example, when State Banking and Financial Services Commissioner Patty Salazar visited Young AmeriTowne, Andrew was able to watch the opening of Young AmeriTowne from a “different perspective.”  “Even though I did Young AmeriTowne twice,” says Andrew, “Seeing it as a Board Co-Chair and seeing the impact we have was amazing.”
It might seem that owning a business, being a student, and participating on the Youth Board would leave Andrew with little time for other activities. Â However, Andrew has always been avid sports fan, playing basketball, football, and lacrosse, and his passion for math and business has led him to attend Warren Buffet’s annual shareholder’s meeting and to coach a middle school math team.
Young Americans thanks Andrew for his service on the Board, and we wish him the best of luck next year and in the future!