Interns experience the real world at Young Americans

2017 Summer InternsClasses + Camps, International Towne, Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

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What is it like interning at Young Americans Center? We’ve all lived the action-packed day in town as young fourth and fifth graders, buInterns experience the real world at Young Americanst coming back eight years later to see an alternate aspect of the operation is a unique experience.

As college students, we were given the opportunity through the Daniels Fund to intern with the programs department during the summer. Along with the endless amounts of Capri Suns and Animal Crackers, our tasks include teaching campers about the business world, setting up for the technical aspects of camp, and experiencing the various departments of Young Americans Center. From two interns, here is a snippet of our experiences:

Elvis Ahn – Cornell University ‘20

As an eager freshman at Cornell University’s School of Hotel Administration, I wanted to combine my passion for the business world with my desire to help others. Young Americans has provided me the opportunity to see the proper function of a successful business. Through my three weeks in the office, I have witnessed the importance of a healthy company. All of the staff, ranging from the programs department to the bank, have fully delivered an uplifting, caring and happy atmosphere. Everyone here is focused on ensuring that the kids have the most positive and memorable experience possible. The crazy energy from the kids truly radiates throughout the office and it keeps an upbeat atmosphere from 8AM to 5PM. Whether I am creating documents, preparing business lessons, or helping out with camp, I can always look forward to the ebullient environment that I am surrounded in. I hope to apply the great company atmosphere to my own business endeavors one day!

Roxana Bustos – Colorado State University ‘18

As a rising senior, I wanted my internship this summer to be fun and exciting before I enter the business world after graduation. When I saw this internship, I was excited to apply because it incorporated my interests for business and teaching all in one. As an elementary student I did not have the opportunity to visit the center with my school, but seeing it now I feel like I have the same excitement as these kids. The way the town is set up is so intricate; even the slightest detail is thought through. So far, my favorite aspect of this internship is seeing these students run AmeriTowne. Last week, I helped students run the TV Station. All of the commercials they created for the businesses were so incredibly cute! It’s so cool to see these kids run their businesses and understand the way the economy works all in one week.

We have only been here for three weeks, but this internship has already taught us so much. The lessons we have been able to run have taught us some money smarts that we have already incorporated into our own lives. This internship is as rewarding as it is challenging and we are very glad to be a part of the team for the summer!

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