Bill Daniels buys lemonade from youth

Respect for People

Janet RedwineGeneral Leave a Comment

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Young Americans Center for Financial Education values ethics and integrity in every aspect of our business and teachings. Our founder, Bill Daniels, was firm in his principles which inform our work to provide all children regardless of background or circumstances a strong foundation in financial literacy and workforce readiness.

On Respect for People, “Bill was a compassionate person and showed genuine interest in the lives of others. He treated all people with equal respect and dignity, and never considered himself to be “above” anyone. Bill was a good friend, and never hesitated to help those in need. He recognized that people make mistakes, and was known for giving second chances. Bill believed in the power of the individual, and inspired and challenged people to see their own potential. He always made a point of offering praise, encouragement, and congratulations.”

These values are more important today than ever before.

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