AmeriTowne volunteers from Fidelity

Sponsor Spotlight: Fidelity gives time, talent, and treasure

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AmeriTowne volunteers from Fidelity

The AmeriTowne Towne Hall staff from Pinnacle Charter School with Fidelity volunteers.

As part of their preparation for Young AmeriTowne, students learn that philanthropy means giving one’s time, talent, or treasure to help the public good.  When they become citizens of Young AmeriTowne, students can put this learning into action by donating their personal or business profits to the Donation Station!

Volunteers from Fidelity Investments in Colorado helped to reinforce this concept for students from Pinnacle Charter School in a big way on Wednesday.  Not only does Fidelity provide financial support for the AmeriTowne Send-a-School Project, a scholarship program for low-income students, but volunteers gave their time and treasure of financial knowledge by serving as business consultants in three AmeriTowne shops.

Having volunteers help out in Young AmeriTowne was particularly helpful for 10-year-old Briana, Manager of the AmeriTowne Containers Shop.  At school, Briana and her team set business goals such as making a profit.  Fidelity volunteer Devon Johnson helped the team work towards this goal by reinforcing some good project management skills.  “He helped us build briefcases, walking us through the steps it takes,” said Briana.  Cardboard briefcases are a popular item to purchase in Young AmeriTowne, and managing the product ordering, fulfillment and shipping can be a tough management challenge

Young Americans is grateful for the support of Fidelity, which brings hands-on education in free enterprise to life in Young AmeriTowne.  “Partnering with Young Americans Center gives our associates the opportunity to bring their financial experience out of the workplace to benefit students in our local communities,” said Jenny Engle, Senior Director of Public Affairs at Fidelity.  “We’re committed to supporting education and financial literacy. The Young AmeriTowne program is a fun and rewarding way for us to help students put those concepts to work in a real-life setting.”

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