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It’s National Volunteer Week and a perfect time to shine a spotlight on a Young Americans Center for Financial Education partner that provides time, talent and treasure: Fidelity Investments. Thanks to Fidelity Investments, young people from all backgrounds receive a hands-on lesson in financial education that lasts into adulthood.
Fidelity Investments has funded the Send-a-School initiative of Young Americans Center since 2016. Send-a-School ensures that deserving students and schools receive scholarships to attend the Young AmeriTowne or International Towne programs, and 8,271 students from 102 schools benefitted from this project last year.

Fidelity Investments volunteers John Carlquist, Jamie Kretschmer and Maggie Taubman helped students from Welchester Elementary gain a hands-on lesson in financial education.
In addition to financial support, Fidelity Investments team members also volunteer their time to help students. When Welchester Elementary, a school with 65% of students receiving free or reduced lunch, attended AmeriTowne On the Road, volunteers Jamie Kretschmer, John Carlquist and Maggie Taubman were there to help.
Jamie is a Financial Consultant, and she spent her day in the Young AmeriTowne Bank assisting students like 10-year-old Bryan. “Jamie helps us out when we make mistakes, like if we don’t count the money right,” said Bryan. He added that he might want to work in a bank someday, too, just like Jamie.
Employees in the Containers Shop were grateful to have John’s help. “He provides advice about how to market, advertise, and get people interested in our products,” said Elisith, an Assembler who sold briefcases and inflatable hammers. John, a Financial Services Manager, was eager to help. “I think AmeriTowne gives these kids a foundational knowledge that sets them up for success,” he said.
Students working for the “Paper News Newspaper” were lucky to have Maggie, an AmeriTowne alum, volunteer in their shop. “Maggie really helped us know what to do,” said the shop’s Accountant. Maggie was also an Accountant when she participated in AmeriTowne as a fifth grader at Cherrelyn Elementary, an experience that inspired her current career as a Customer Relationship Advocate with Fidelity. The program impacted her family as well. “After I did AmeriTowne, I was able to help my mom pay off her credit card bills and understand finance,” said Maggie. “Today, my mom is living with no credit card debt, has paid off the mortgage on her house and is in a good place to retire.”
Fidelity Investments ensures that today’s young learners, regardless of background, are tomorrow’s financially-responsible adults. Thank you, Fidelity Investments for this lasting impact!