King Soopers Zero Hunger | Zero Waste Plan

Sponsor Spotlight: King Soopers Announces Zero Hunger | Zero Waste Plan

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Young Americans Center for Financial Education is fortunate to have many partners that are doing good in the community.  This week, we’d like to highlight our proud sponsor King Soopers who, in addition to supporting hands-on financial education for youth, has also committed to a national effort aimed at ending hunger and eliminating waste across the Kroger Company by 2025. …

A student uses a debit card in AmeriTowne

Tales from Towne: Lessons in holiday spending

Young Americans Center for Financial Education International Towne, Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

With the holiday season quickly approaching, many folks are going shopping to find the perfect gifts for their friends and families. We are all trying to keep track of our spending and make wise financial decisions to protect our credit scores or our personal checking accounts. In Ameritowne and International Towne, students have a similar goal of recording purchases so …

Mayor Adam Paul receives an Accounting lesson in Young AmeriTowne Belmar

Sponsor Spotlight: City of Lakewood’s Youth View

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

This week, Young Americans Center for Financial Education shines a spotlight on an initiative by proud partner City of Lakewood that really resonates with us: Mayor Adam Paul’s Youth Initiative.  Young Americans applauds this movement—what an impactful way to encourage youth participation and investment in their community. Throughout the year, the City of Lakewood has been collecting thoughts from Lakewood …


Sponsor Spotlight: Details matter for Young Americans and Children’s Hospital

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Step foot into the 176 square-foot Medical Center in Young AmeriTowne Denver, and you’ll quickly realize that details matter!  From the business card holders that replicate radio flyer wagons to the colorful, kid-friendly reference books on the shelves, proud sponsor Children’s Hospital Colorado ensures that this shop is just like a real hospital. The first step of the health-care process in …

Students donate at Young AmeriTowne

Sponsor Spotlight: Community First Foundation makes it easy for kids to give

Janet Redwine Spark Change, Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Philanthropy is a central concept to Young Americans. Bill Daniels, the founder of Young Americans Bank, established Daniels Fund, one of the largest foundations in the Rocky Mountain region. As a nonprofit, Young Americans Center for Financial Education relies on community support to deliver its hands-on financial literacy programs. Philanthropy plays a large role in the Young AmeriTowne program, too, …

Happy Bank Customer at AmeriTowne Bank

Sponsor Spotlight: Banking for Good

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Young Americans Center for Financial Education exists to provide hands-on experiences in financial literacy to young people.  An important partner in this work is FirstBank, which has supported youth financial literacy since 2005. FirstBank’s supports a the bank at Young AmeriTowne Belmar.  Students can customize their own FirstBank business cards, pass out FirstBank debit card sleeves, count-out FirstBank dollars, write …


Read Liliana’s story, then click to schedule your Colorado Gives Day/Giving Tuesday Gift!

Young Americans Center for Financial Education Get Involved Leave a Comment

Click here to schedule your gift for Colorado Gives Day and sponsors will add some matching money to your donation!  $100, 2 kids, or $10 a month. Liliana and Victor are coming to Young AmeriTowne in January. Except their school doesn’t have the money. They need a kind donor (like you?) to foot the bill. It’s just $50 to send Liliana, …


Sponsor Spotlight: UPS delivers real-world learning

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Have you ever paused to think about how a package lands on your doorstep or how a letter arrives in your mailbox?  The actors behind both of these services are so efficient they are almost invisible.  Yet, they are vital to our community.  Young AmeriTowne makes the invisible visible through the Parcel Service Shop, where youth gain real-world experience delivering …


Sponsor Spotlight: Learning how to use a card, thanks to Vantiv

Janet Redwine International Towne, Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Young Americans Center for Financial Education provides programs that use real life, hands-on experiences for young people to learn about finance.  An important component of these programs is providing opportunities for youth to learn about credit and debit cards, since they are such a staple in today’s economy.  Thanks to Vantiv, each student participating in Young AmeriTowne and International Towne …

Grand Junction students run Young AmeriTowne

Susan Stenhaug Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

AmeriTowne On the Road, presented by CoBank, just returned from five fabulous weeks in Grand Junction!  The visit was a huge success, with 911 students from 15 schools experiencing in this hands-on program in free enterprise. When I talked with my fellow On the Road staff members, by far our favorite part of the trip to Grand Junction this year …