
Read Liliana’s story, then click to schedule your Colorado Gives Day/Giving Tuesday Gift!

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Click here to schedule your gift for Colorado Gives Day and sponsors will add some matching money to your donation!  $100, 2 kids, or $10 a month.

Liliana and Victor are coming to Young AmeriTowne in January. Except their school doesn’t have the money. They need a kind donor (like you?) to foot the bill. It’s

Accountant in the AmeriTowne Medical Center

You will train a 10-year-old accountant, like Liliana.

just $50 to send Liliana, and another $50 to send her classmate Victor. Here’s Liliana’s story and what you can do to help her be ready for the real world of jobs and money:

Liliana’s parents don’t have a bank account. Expensive check cashing services consume family income that could be going to a much-needed rainy day fund. Next week, Lilian’s teacher will start the Young AmeriTowne lessons and Liliana will learn what a savings account is.

Her school serves a high poverty area. More than half the students get free federal free lunches, and all face many barriers to a successful life. There’s no room in this school’s budget for enrichment programs like Young AmeriTowne.

Liliana is good in math. Before her teacher started the Young AmeriTowne lessons, Liliana didn’t know that there are real world jobs that will pay you to do math. Now she’s hoping to land her dream job: accountant at the Snack Shop.

Filling out deposit slip at the AmeriTowne Bank.

You will give a manager like Victor his first paycheck.

Victor is following the lessons in the Spanish version of the Young AmeriTowne workbook. He read the want ads, but can’t make up his mind. So he’s filling out job applications for the police force at Towne Hall and for manager of the Market, because he likes to cook.

Just $100, $50 each, will get Liliana and Victor ready for the real world.  You’ll buy the workbooks, the practice debit cards and checks, training for their teacher, snacks and toys for their shops to sell and (of course) a scholarship for their school. You’ll even buy the business forms Liliana will fill out as accountant.

And, if you’d literally like to give A Student a Day at AmeriTowne as a gift to someone on your holiday list, just use the “in honor of” option, give us the name and address, and I’ll send a lovely letter to your honoree (or to you, if you’d prefer to put that envelope in a stocking). Just let me know.

Have questions? Need help with tax-wise gifts like giving appreciated stock, making a gift that qualifies for the Colorado Child Care Tax Credit, or a direct gift from your IRA (must be 70 1/2 )? I’m here to help you with your gifting!  Just call Jody at 303-320-3240 or email me, jphillips@yacenter.org.


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