Girl Donating in YAT Donation Station

Sponsor Spotlight: Schlessman Family Foundation and Imagination

Janet Redwine Get Involved, Programs, Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Bill Daniels, founder of Young Americans Bank once offered this wisdom: “Image a world where people give of themselves simply because they want to.  Not out of a sense of debt.  Or because they want something in return.  No ulterior motives. No feelings of guilt.  Just the desire to give for the sake of giving.  Now, instead of imagining this …

BYOB Finalists stand together and smile

Tales from Towne: End of Summer Review

Amanda Krische Classes + Camps Leave a Comment

With warm weather and plenty of sunshine all around us, it’s hard to believe that summer is quickly coming to an end!  The end of summer means that Young Americans Center for Financial Education’s FUNancial Summer Camps are now complete as well.  With a total of 1,035 participants this year, we have lots of stories and memories to share.  Here …

CCCS reception in YAT

Sponsor Spotlight: The Foundation for Colorado Community Colleges Honored Retiring President Nancy McCallin in Young AmeriTowne

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Community members, friends, Board Members, and many others gathered in Young AmeriTowne last April to honor Dr. Nancy J. McCallin, former President of the Colorado Community College System (CCCS). Young AmeriTowne served as a perfect backdrop for the event as five Colorado community colleges team-up every year to support this hands-on lesson in free enterprise.  Thanks to Arapahoe Community College, …

Young AmeriTowne town square displayed

Sponsor Spotlight: Send-a-School Partners Provide Opportunities for all Students

Janet Redwine Get Involved Leave a Comment

Young Americans Center for Financial Education exists to provide every Colorado student, regardless of background, with the opportunity for effective training in financial literacy and workforce skills. Why is this so important? Research suggests that a basic introduction to financial concepts—saving, credit, banking, and investing—at a young age helps prepare students to be financially responsible adults. This knowledge is particularly beneficial …


Leaving a Legacy: Summer Camp Draws Youth from Outside Colorado

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

“There’s not a lot of things you can give your grandchildren.  An education is one.” Grandmother Denese Ellis read about Young Americans Center for Financial Education summer camps last summer in the Wall Street Journal.  She lives in Pittsburgh, near her daughter, son-in-law, and only grandchild Grace, and she thought, “I think Grace would really enjoy this camp.”  Knowing that …

Investment Accountant in YAT

Sponsor Spotlight: Eide Bailly Provides Real-World Accounting Experience in Young AmeriTowne

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Some of the most important people in Young AmeriTowne are the Accountants—students who manage the finances of each shop.  Typically, there are 17 Accountants working each day.  Thanks to proud sponsor Eide Bailly, they get a taste of what being a real Accountant is like! The first accounting lesson for these students takes place at school.  They learn how to …


Sponsor Spotlight: Colorado Public Radio Station Creates a Popular Position in Young AmeriTowne

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne 2 Comments

As part of the Young AmeriTowne program, students apply and interview for the jobs they would like to hold.  Year after year, in schools all across the state, by far the most popular choice for students is a position at the Young AmeriTowne Radio Station. One reason for this reputation is that the Radio Station is an exciting work environment.  …


Sponsor Spotlight: Career Exploration at an Early Age Thanks to DU

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Students who participate in Young AmeriTowne gain insight about future careers in a number of ways. Besides filling out a job application, interviewing, and holding a job, students can also explore possible careers in the Towne College.  At Young AmeriTowne in Denver, this experience is made possible by long-time supporter University of Denver. With an emphasis on ethics, experiential education and …


AmeriTowne Citizens Give Time, Talent, and Treasure

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Young AmeriTowne provides students with real-life experience in spending, saving, and sharing their money.  This learning was reinforced with four different presentations in the last two weeks, where students donated real dollars to Colorado nonprofits. As part of the curriculum delivered at school, students learn about what philanthropy is and why it is important.  They learn that philanthropy helps provide needed …


Tales from Towne: Make your Products sell!

Amanda Krische Young AmeriTowne 5 Comments

Saving, spending, and sharing money wisely are a few of the biggest takeaways from a student’s experience in Young AmeriTowne, but how does a business earn that money in the first place? What will make a shop’s product stand out enough to get consumers to spend their hard-earned money on it? When it comes to advertising, there are a few …