
Sponsor Spotlight: Colorado Public Radio Station Creates a Popular Position in Young AmeriTowne

Janet RedwineYoung AmeriTowne 2 Comments

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AmeriTowne Radio Station DJs

DJs prepare a song list in the AmeriTowne Radio Station.

As part of the Young AmeriTowne program, students apply and interview for the jobs they would like to hold.  Year after year, in schools all across the state, by far the most popular choice for students is a position at the Young AmeriTowne Radio Station.

One reason for this reputation is that the Radio Station is an exciting work environment.  Proud Young Americans sponsor Colorado Public Radio has outfitted the Young AmeriTowne Shop in Denver with brightly-colored walls, interesting graphics, uniforms, and state-of-the art equipment.  The students have plenty of songs to choose from, including the latest releases and classics.

Students also enjoy talking on the microphone in the Radio Station.  Steven visited Towne this past school year and writes, “What I really love about the Radio Station is that I got to speak on the radio.  It was awesome!”

Perhaps the most pressing reason that students want to work in the Radio Station is that DJs dictate what kind of music is played in AmeriTowne.  Students can pay to make a song request, and they can even pay to stop playing a song.  Between requests, the DJs can play their favorite type of music.

Whatever the reason, Young Americans is grateful to Colorado Public Radio for its support in creating a popular space.  As CPR strives to “inform, enlighten, and entertain” its world-wide audience, Radio Station employees do the same for their fellow AmeriTowne citizens.

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