Tales from the Towne: Foam!

Young Americans Center for Financial EducationYoung AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

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There are many products in Young AmeriTowne that kids get SO excited about during the towne tour. The Fitness Center is excited to debut a brand new product! Now for sale are stress balls, gliders, poppers and brand new FOAM FINGERS!

Tales from the Towne: Foam!

These are great for any sports fan out there. They come in several different colors and every says “We’re #1!” Now, the Fitness Center gets to experience a great example of supply and demand with two of their products! As they sell out of their most popular item, the stress balls, foam fingers are always right behind. In this shop, the employees get to try to sell four different products of varying popularity. This is a great opportunity for the kids to practice advertising and price changing for both popular and unpopular toy items. During our summer camp programs, we help kids understand this lesson by having a ship sell a product that no one wants, like a bathroom pass. Why would anyone want that? How can we convince them that they do? This is part of the fun of learning advertising!

Teacher tip: Before your visit to Young AmeriTowne, spend some extra time with the students providing tips on how to sell products that aren’t selling fast. A great place to teach about having a high supply and a low demand would be in the advertising lesson. Ask them how they think the product would sell better without lowering the price. Some good examples of great advertising tips are things like singing, juggling, dancing, and acting goofy to get other citizens’ attention.

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