Tales from Towne: FREE Second Saturday Classes

Tales from Towne: FREE Second Saturday Classes

Amanda KrischeBank, Events Leave a Comment

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On the second Saturday of each month, Young Americans Center offers FREE classes that teach young people about the importance of money and banking — and how parents can reinforce those lessons at home.  Designed especially for youth, ages 3-12, and their parents, attendees are treated to an interactive tour of Young Americans Bank, the only bank in the world for young people. Then, students and parents participate in games and activities that help introduce or reinforce topics such as money, saving, budgeting, credit, and much more.

Second Saturdays are perfect for families wanting to open a bank account.  Once activities finish, youth have theTales from Towne: FREE Second Saturday Classes opportunity to take advantage of a real-life, hands-on learning experience by opening a new savings account.  To open an account, youth and their sponsoring adult need to bring their social security cards and at least $5.00—this is the minimum balance needed to open the account.

If your child already has an account with Young Americans, Second Saturdays are an ideal way to participate in our referral program.  Young people can earn $5.00 each time a friend opens an account at Young Americans Bank, and the friend earns $5.00, too!

Coming this Saturday, October 8, youth ages 6-8 can Fish for Money!  Participants in this class will review the U.S coins and values, and will learn to count money using different coin combinations.  They practice counting coins by fishing for different coins that equal the given coin combinations.  Sign up here: https://yacenter.org/youthbiz/classes-and-workshops/#second.

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