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What’s New in Young Americans Center Programs

Janet RedwineInternational Towne, Programs, Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

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AmeriTowne and International Towne began the 2019-20 school year with some exciting changes!  The end goal is to provide programs that are relevant, thought-provoking, and that deliver an improved hands-on lesson in financial education.

Young AmeriTowne changes include parent communication, curriculum enhancements, and the Day in Towne experience.  When a school registers for Young AmeriTowne, teachers receive a Parent Newsletter to help families understand the program.  This year’s newsletter includes tips that help parents expand on student learning at home, and it provides information about other resources offered at Young Americans Center.

Staff members relied on their extensive classroom experience to elevate the Young AmeriTowne curriculum for the new school year.  Teachers now receive a collection of curriculum supplements that can help them meet the needs of students with learning disabilities and students identified as gifted.  Plus, teachers have access to a library of slides they can use while facilitating classroom lessons.  A new ethics lesson rounds out the changes, prompting students to work through a series of scenarios and think about who they would pick for an ethics hero.

The physical Young AmeriTowne space received upgrades as well.  A new Sports Venue shop takes the place of the AmeriTowne Fitness Center in Denver and Lakewood, presented by Kroenke Sports Charities, the philanthropic arm of Kroenke Sports and Entertainment which owns the Nuggets, Avalanche, Mammoth lacrosse and Rapids soccer teams.  At the Lakewood location, students can shop in the new Safeway Market.  Technology updates further improve the student experience in AmeriTowne and AmeriTowne On the Road.

International Towne upgrades also enhance student learning this school year.  Teachers receive an upgraded Parent Newsletter and slide library as part of their curriculum.  The Day of Towne dilemma now has a cascading affect–if a region can’t find a solution to an internal political or economic crisis, neighboring regions will also suffer and will close to trade and tourism.  Finally, new, updated trade activities better reflect current trade patterns.

This work would not be possible without the work of our tremendous Programs Staff, a group of dedicated educators that facilitate curriculum development, teacher training, and the Day in Towne experience.  Their efforts ensure that students will continue to gain valuable lessons this school year.



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