Ask Amy: How Do I Talk About Money at Home?

Young Americans Center for Financial Education General Leave a Comment

This post is made possible through the generous support of Great-West Great-Teachers, a program of Great-West Financial. Just like with other difficult and personal topics, often it’s hardest for parents just to begin the conversation. A frequent question I am asked is, “When should I start talking to my kids about money, and how do I have that conversation?” My …

Spring Cleaning Family Costs

Young Americans Center for Financial Education Bank Leave a Comment

The following post is written by the father of two account holders at Young Americans Bank.  The family recently undertook an interesting financial exercise that could be great for other families to try! A unique budgeting exercise This Spring we tried a new tactic at home to engage our children with family budgeting. At our house we have two kids …

So You Want To Be An Entrepreneur?

Young Americans Center for Financial Education General, YouthBiz Leave a Comment

Each month we take one financial concept and offer our customers a deep dive.  In recent months we’ve worked through needs versus wants, talked about investing, and explored budgeting.  Now we’re taking a step back to include a concept that Young Americans is exploring and growing into.  July’s Concept of the Month is Entrepreneurship! Getting started Each year Young Americans …

Entrepreneur Success: Supporting One Another

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This is a guest post by Nyla Higgs, a 10-year-old owner of Aahhh 2 J’s Lemonade, and bank customer.  Read below how she is growing her business while supporting the businesses of other young entrepreneurs. For my 10th birthday party I wanted to go to Sweet and Sassy. There they do your hair and your nails and you get to …

Meet the New Youth Advisory Board Co-Chairs

Young Americans Center for Financial Education Get Involved Leave a Comment

The applications for the Youth Advisory Board piled in last week, as the deadline to apply was June 29. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be conducting interviews with the candidates to select the best board members to take Young Americans through 2014. But who will lead this group? It’s my privilege to introduce the two new Co-Chairs of the …

Investing in Bulls or Bears

Young Americans Center for Financial Education Bank Leave a Comment

At Young Americans, we focus a lot of saving.  We talk about “paying yourself first” and we give suggestions for breaking out your paycheck into separate buckets. One thing that we don’t talk as much about is investing, but it’s something we get a lot of questions about.  This month’s Concept of the Month is all about investing.  I hope …

TR, Nic and TED

Young Americans Center for Financial Education Events, YouthBiz Leave a Comment

What was your first business, and what age were you when you started? Hundreds of people answered that question and others at Saturday’s TEDxMileHigh event at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House.  Young Americans was one of more than 30 exhibitors connecting with the nearly 2,000 audience members.  We brought along two stellar young entrepreneurs to show the crowd what businesses …

Goodbye Youth Board!

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The 2012-2013 Youth Advisory Board just wrapped up their term, and what a year it was!  These 13 teens joined the board in August and participated in a wide variety of events, connected as friends, learned about banking and nonprofits, and much more. More than 35 applicants applied for the 11 open positions last fall.  After completing an application, each …

Ask Amy: How Do I Budget with My Kids?

Young Americans Center for Financial Education General Leave a Comment

This post is made possible through the generous support of Great-West Great-Teachers, a program of Great-West Financial. A budget is one of the most important tools individuals and families can have to guide their money use and financial conversations. So often, parents are caught up in the daily grind of work, whipping up meals, taking kids to activities, and ensuring …

Young Entrepreneurs + gSchool = Lots of Wins

Young Americans Center for Financial Education YouthBiz 1 Comment

A few weeks ago we let you know about a great collaboration in the works between the young entrepreneurs of Young Americans and the coding students at Galvanize’s gSchool.  On Monday, June 3, the final projects were unveiled to great delight! Bringing the pieces together At Galvanize, there are 25 students who are going through a six-month program that teaches …