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The 2016-2017 PassBooks are here!!
Stop by the Far North East Branch August 13, 2016 between 11:00am-2:00pm to receive your new Passbook and enjoy FREE pizza!!
What is a Passbook?
The Money Matters Passbook is for youth ages 3-16.  You can receive initials from staff for completing activities, going to fun classes, attending summer camps, and by making deposits at Young Americans Bank. This PassBook is only valid from September 2016-August 2017.
How to use your Passbook
Each month, complete at least one activity and get a teller’s initials, if you have initials for:
- Three months, you get a prize from the treasure chest!
- Six months, $5 Bonus Buck toward your account!
- Nine months, free movie pass!
We are looking forward to seeing you August 13, 2016 for the PassBook Pizza Party!!