Creating Commercials

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Creating a commercial during the Denver Open Media class.

Creating a commercial during the Denver Open Media class.

Young Americans hosts students at our facilities for financial literacy field trips to Ameritowne and global interdependency field trips to International Towne throughout the school year, but it was our Young Entrepreneurs turn to take a field trip on Saturday, January 10th. Nine youth owned ventures met at Open Media Foundation (OMF) to film and edit business commercials. OMF is an innovative media and technology nonprofit organization dedicated to putting the power of the media of the hands of the people, enabling everyone to engage in their community and bring about the change the wish to see in the world.

Class participants learned how to edit the footage they filmed.

Class participants learned how to edit the footage they filmed.

In a few short hours, the kids worked with OMF staff and interns to film footage with products and business partners in the recording studio in front of a green screen. Once they were done they moved into the editing lab to cut and paste their video segments into short, entertaining, and informational business pitches. They added backgrounds, photos, music and transitions too.

Sarah and Izzy, owners of Funky Flip Flops took their commercial to the beach, or at least replaced the background with a beach scene. It sure puts you in the mood to buy their flip flops for a tropical vacation.

Filming in front of a green screen was cool!

Filming in front of a green screen was cool!

Ryan and Ty from RT Defense Systems thought it was important to demonstrate their products, homemade catapults and crossbows. Watch their video to learn how to use mini marshmallows as ammunition. You may recognize them from Young Entrepreneurs Marketplace, and hopefully bought some of their “defense systems” before they sold out.

Be sure to check out some of these videos and other highlights and advice from young entrepreneurs on

Our next Young Entrepreneurs event is Speed Mentoring! On February 21st from 11am-1pm you can spend 15 sessions with experts who can help you with different parts of your business like marketing, finance, and logo design. Click here to sign up.

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