Doing Your Part

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2014_RedCrossOur Concept of the Month for May connects with the Red Cross of Colorado’s “Turn the State Red” campaign.  We’re focusing on Philanthropy this month, and we have many ways for you to give back.

We’re part of the Red Cross of Colorado’s 100th birthday celebration — and you can be too.   We have canisters at each of our teller stations in Young Americans Bank where you can deposit coins that will go to the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.  When you make a donation, you’ll receive either a necklace or pin in return.  Be sure to stop by to make your donation!

If you’d like to continue donating, read some of these tips for wise philanthropy.

  1. Budget for Giving: Plan your philanthropic activities right into your budget just as you would for anything else you spend money on: snacks, entertainment, clothes, or vacations.
  2. Know and Research Your Charity: Ask for written literature, including a list of the Board of Directors, a mission statement, and how the charity uses its funds. Never give to a charity you know nothing about.
  3. Think About How You’ll Help: Sometimes charities need something other than your money! Consider giving old clothes or toys, sharing your talents, or volunteering your time!
  4. Find Out Where Your Dollars Go: Ask where your donation goes: general administration or to certain programs you support? The general rule of thumb is that less than 25% should go to general costs and fundraising.
  5. Keep Records of Your Donations: Always ask for a receipt. If you can write a check, that’s a better record of your donation. Young Americans Bank waives the fee for cashier’s checks to a charity!
  6. Consider Giving Generously: Once you are satisfied that you have found the charity you want to help, give generously if you can. There are many good non-profit organizations that need your support!
  7. Need Help? Ask! Ask a family member or teacher, your friends at Young Americans, or check out these websites:

You can use this worksheet to think more about how you can be philanthropic.  Be sure to grab some more activity sheets when you come to Young Americans Bank to make a Red Cross donation.  See you soon!

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