YouthBiz panelists at Women's Entrepreneurship Day

Women’s Entrepreneurship Day Colorado-Youth Panel

Maite WantwadiYouthBiz Leave a Comment

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YouthBiz panelists at Women's Entrepreneurship Day

YouthBiz entrepreneurs spoke at a Women’s Entrepreneurship Day event on Friday, November 17.

Did you know that in the US, 38% of new businesses are founded by women?  To celebrate this accomplishment, Wendy Diamond founded Women’s Entrepreneurship Day in 2013.  It’s mission is to empower, support, and celebrate women and girls in business worldwide.  Now celebrated in 144 countries, Women’s Entrepreneurship Day events occurred in Colorado for the first time last weekend, and Young Americans Center for Financial Education was thrilled to take part!

Women are increasingly becoming active participants in local and global economies. This was quite evident on Friday, November 17th at the Commons on Champa where women from all industries came to listen and participate in different breakout sessions celebrating female entrepreneurs.  The mid-day session included some of our very own female youth business owners: Lily, Chloe, and Sophie Warren, owners of Sweet Bee Sisters;  MJ Logan, author of The Death Call: A Trilogy; Grace Yount, owner of Ballet on the Go; and Nyla Higgs, co-owner of Aahhh2J’s Lemonade.  The session was moderated by Workplace Elements founder and Spotlight on YouthBiz Stars mentor, Traci Lounsbury.

Traci Lounsbury moderates a panel of YouthBiz entrepreneurs

Traci Lounsbury moderates a panel of YouthBiz entrepreneurs

The ladies were truly inspiring!  They kept the packed room in awe as they answered questions, and they gave all the adults in the room some great advice regarding business ownership. The lessons learned by each of one these ladies, who ranged in age from 14-17, was very heartfelt. Lily Warren, of Sweet Bee Sisters, stated that in order to be in retail, they’ve made it a priority to go door-to-door and speak to managers and owners about getting their products in stores. Now that’s taking initiative!

The panel discussion ended with each girl stating what her needs were for her business. Most desired some form of marketing advice, which worked out great since they were in a room full of successful adult business owners. The youth were able to make some great connections! We’re so proud and happy to have been able to celebrate this day with women of all ages.

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