Sponsor Spotlight: Schomp Automotive

Young Americans Center for Financial EducationYoung AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

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What does a Young AmeriTowne mechanic do?

Sponsor Spotlight: Schomp AutomotiveEach year, hundreds of students are employed at the Young AmeriTowne Parts and Service Shop, which is sponsored by Schomp Automotive. The shop provides automotive fleet services to businesses by checking tire pressure, spark plugs, fluid levels, batteries and air filters. Customers have the opportunity to identify various parts of a car engine and learn important tips for proper car care. The student employees gain real-life experiences as a Schomp Parts and Service Shop employee:

  • Student Service Technicians use vehicle “error” codes to diagnose a vehicle’s maintenance issue and then they provide the necessary maintenance.
  • The shop Manager oversees all maintenance and sales of candy and toys.
  • Student Accountants keep track of all business expenses and revenue.
  • Students in all shops deposit a paycheck and keep track of spending by balancing their personal checkbooks.

Schomp Automotive Employee at Young AmeriTowneThe Schomp Parts and Service Shop like all the other Young AmeriTowne shops provides students with an educational environment that combines core academics with real-world application.  This experience teaches the fifth-grade students firsthand about the free enterprise system, an economic system in which private businesses operate in competition and largely free of state control.

Our economy is directly linked to the strength and skills of our current and future workforce. We must work to ensure that students of all ages are prepared not only for college but for successful careers. The Young AmeriTowne experience is working to provide over 26,700 students each year with an award-winning curriculum that’s helping kids build important life skills, work skills and financial self-sufficiency which will carry them throughout their lifetime.

This is all made possible thanks to generous community supporters such as Schomp Automotive. Throughout its 75-year history, Schomp Automotive has taken a family- and community-first approach to philanthropy. For the past several years, Schomp Automotive has been a supporter of Young Americans Center for Financial Education. Schomp Automotive believes in fostering a positive impact beyond their brick and mortar sites. In 2015, Schomp donated more than $154,000 and, through community partnerships, raised a combined $1,000,000+ for causes throughout the community. To learn more about Schomp Automotive visit, http://www.ralphschomp.com/community-involvement/.

Thank you Schomp Automotive for all that you do for Young Americans!

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